Scotstoun Area Residents Association

About image


Congratulation to our own Glasgow (Scotstoun) Warriors who have won the United Rugby Championship by defeating the Vodacom Bulls in South Africa at the weekend.
The result was all the more worthy because at an early stage in the game the Warriors were trailing 0 -13 and seemed certain to lose the match. However, starting from just before half time they got their act together and ran out worthy winners at 21 - 16. 

TRAFFIC NOTE - There will be a welcome party for the Warriors in Scotstoun this evening from 6 pm and, due to the short notice, there will be no special traffic restritions in place. Residents and visitors are asked for consideration in their travels into and around Scotstoun during the festivities.

Pavement Parking Prohibition - Update May 2024

We have now been informed thatGlasgow City council has completed a survey of the roads, streets and avenues within the city in order to determine which, if any, of these qualify for exemption from the prohibition of pavement parking. At first glance, it appears that most of the Scotstoun avenues with the possible exemption of Duncan Avenue have been classified as requiring further assessment. It appears that, if there is less than 7.5 metres of clear roadway when vehicles are parkedon both sides of the roadway then an avenue might qualify for exemption. At this stage, therefore, SCARA is considering launching a letter campaign from our members addressed and hand delivered to Glasgow City Council underlining the necessity of exemption in the avenues. If there is support for such a campaign then this will be initiated in the next newsletter which is expected to be issued sometime during the month of June. Please consider sending us an email to let us know whether you would support such a campaign.

19th March 2024

We propose to have a meeting on 26th March at Heart of Scotstoun at 7.30 pm to obtain and provide as much up to date infromation as possible. In particular we hope to provide detailed information as to how to apply for exemptions from the regulations. Please note that these applications are not something that someone like SCARA can do for you. It is the affected residents themselves that need to make applications. We hope that our meeting will at least assist members' access to the process and facilitate joint action by residents towards making application for exemptions.
Numbers attending the meeting will be limited and if you wish to attend then please send an email to
requesting a place at the meeting. Please do not attend the meeting unless you receive an email confirming that there is a place reserved for you.
If you do not get a place or if you prefer to attend by zoom then please in your email advise us that you wish to attend by zoom and we will send you a link shortly before the meeting commences. From past experience we have to say that zoom attendance at a face to face meeting is not alays fully participative but we will do the best we can while still trying yo convene an effetive face to face meeting.
Please read the article inside this page entitled Pavement Parking for more detailed information. We appreciate that the material is quite hard reading because that's the way that the law is written but we feel that it is worth while making an effort to get to grips with it and try to avoid a possible a parking catastrophe in the Avenues.

Personal message from Convener December 2023
Please follow the link below to access a poersoanl message from the SCARA Convener and please consider responding to this message:- 

Newsflash 8th October 2023 - PAVEMENT PARKIING Current information is that the prohibition of pavement parking will come into effect from the beginning of 2024. Clearly, unless there are specific relaxations applicable in the Scotstoun Avenues, this will have a catastrophic effect on Scotstoun residents. If you have any additional information or insight regarding this issue then please email to   so that we can make this available to local residents. If you wish SCARA to take any further action at this stage then please let us have your suggestions as soon as possible.

21st November The actual date for these regulations to come into force is 11th December 2023 but only Edinburgh Council appears to have intimated an intention to operate the regulations and Glas City Council has not yet given any indication and so we are probably still waiting for the Council to annnounce a statrt date. Nevertheless, it appears that you could be fined any time from 11th December onwards. Read more inside.

21st November 2023. See inside for more news about heat pumps


The Scotstoun Conservation Area Residents' Association was established in the 1950s to reflect the wishes of local people. The aim of the association is to assist residents with concerns or issues in the local area as well as promoting community involvement. Please keep an eye out for our newsletter (twice yearly in spring and autumn) when it arrives as it contains all the latest news affecting the area as well as letting you know about any social and fund-raising events that you may be interested in attending or participating in. There is also a letters page to voice opinions or raise awareness of something that you think others in the area need to know about.

We have a membership of 651 households and you automatically become a member if you live in the Scotstoun Conservation Area. Every year we hold a general meeting and as a member you are invited to attend and raise any concerns that you may have.

We are always looking for assistance and volunteers as well as new committee members. If you wish to become involved with the work of the Residents Association please contact us at The Committee meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm (except January, July and August).

Please note that we rely on donations in order to provide our services and we suggest a small yearly donation of £2 to help towards our running costs. If you would like to make a donate please contact

If you are new to the area then one of the best ways to get to know your way around might be to contact our committee and perhaps join one of our monthly meetings which, in the meantime are held on the second Tuesday of each calendar month by zoom. Inquire by email to  .

OUR NEWSLETTER.  We compose, print, publish and circulate a Newsletter twice a year and the Winter edition went out at about the end of December 2021. It is a lot of work which currently falls on very few volunteers to produce this item and we would ask you, first of all, to consider sending a simple email to just to acknowledge that you have received the Newsletter. Better still if you would let us have a comment as to its contents. Better still again if you would let us have a suggestion or even some material that might assist us with the next edition.
 history of scotstoun image
We wish to make Mora Logan's work on the history of Scotstoun available via this page. You can access that history via the following link:-

You may need to copy and paste the above link to your web browser. Here is an introduction to this fascinating document.

History of Scotstoun

The earliest recorded owner of the lands known as Scotstoun was a younger member of the Montgomerie family which hailed from the Mont St Michel area of Normandy . In a Charter of 28th January 1529 , King James V gave Henry Montgomerie " the lands and tenandrie of Scottiston in the viscounty of Renfrew". Presumably young Henry had won the King's favour or Daddy had poured a few 'bawbees' into the Royal Coffers. In 1607 another of that family, Hugh, Lord Montgomerie and Kilwinning, Earl of Eglinton appears to have inherited the lands upon which he built a 'fortalise' (a wee castle), a 'manor' (a big house) and various mills. Tenants were introduced to tend the lands and no doubt provide an income from rents; proving that the 'buy to rent' idea is not such a modern concept. In 1634, John Montgomerie, the last of that family, 'alienated his lands' (transferred them) to a John Hutcheson, Notar and Town Clerk of Glasgow. In 1691, his grandson disposed of them to William Walkinshaw, a Glasgow merchant of the Walkinshaws of Barrowfield family. The Walkinshaws were strong supporters of the Stuart cause which resulted in John Walkinshaw being accused of treason and in 1715 having to flee the country. The lands then passed to the feudal superior, Alexander, the Earl of Eglinton, under an act of Parliament newly passed 'for the encouragement of loyal superiors, vassals, landlords and tenants in Scotland '. In 1729, Lord Eglinton 'conveyed' them to his grandson, Lord Garlies who, in 1750 sold them to William Crawford, eldest son of Matthew Crawford of Balshagray. A year later they were purchased by Richard & Alexander Oswald, Glasgow merchants who hailed from Caithness. The original Scotstoun House, which had been built by the Walkinshaws, stood on the south side of Dumbarton Road in line with the Kingsway Court high flats and commanded a clear view across the river with beautiful grounds and orchards. A new frontage was added in 1825 by Elizabeth Oswald who lived there until her death in 1864. It was eventually demolished to make way for the railway line which now serves as a cycle track. The terraced houses which form the Scotstoun Conservation Area are part of an estate started in 1895 on Dumbarton Road at Lennox Avenue by the Scotstoun Estate Building Company. The red brick homes between Lennox Avenue and Vancouver Road were built specially for the gardeners of the Scotstoun Estate.
See the rest of the story via the above link.

Heart of Scotstoun imageHeart of Scotstoun image

Art @ The Heart 12pm – 12pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Handcraft Circle
(Every 2nd and 4th Week) 1pm – 3pm
Music Group (Adults) 1.30pm 3.30pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Youth Group
(8-11 yrs) 5pm – 7pm FREE DRC Project – 0141-951-8669
Savage Martial Arts 5pm – 7pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
G12 Dance 6.30pm – 8.30pm FREE DRC Project – 0141-951-8669
Cllr Chris Cunningham
(3rd week of month) 7pm – 9pm Contact: 0141-287-7042
NA 8pm – 9pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424

Physio Form Pilates 9.30am – 1130am
Eco Trust Adult LED Cycle 10am – 1pm
Homestart 10am – 12pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Green Gym
(3rd wed of month) 11am – 2pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Tea & Talk 11am – 2pm Open for Drop in
Gaelic Playgroup 1230pm – 2.30pm Contact: 07818 253955
Boxercise 1.45pm – 2.30pm
Homework Club 3.30pm – 5pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
A & M Dance 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Core Fitness 6pm – 8pm Contact Centre
Compassionate Friends
(2nd Week of month) 6.30pm – 8.30pm Contact: 07365044455
Flute Phonics 7pm – 9pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
(every 3rd Tue of month) 7pm – 9pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Cllr Malcolm Mitchell 7pm – 9pm Contact: 0141-287-5372

Eco Trust Health Walk 11am – 1pm
HoS Playdates 10am – 1230pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Knitting/Sewing for Charity 1pm – 3pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Homework Club 3.30pm – 5pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Karate (4yrs – 7yrs) 4pm – 4.40pm
Karate (7yr+) 4.55pm-5.55pm
Dancezone 5pm – 7pm Contact:
AA 6.30pm – 8.30pm Contact: 07908 477543
Physio Form Pilates 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Sewing Class 7pm – 9pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
ADHD (Last wed of month) 7pm – 9pm Closed Group

Physio Form Pilates 9.30am – 1130am
Jo Jingles 9.30am – 1130pm
Yoga 1130am – 1230pm
Glasgow Kinship 10am – 12pm
Quilt @ Heart 2pm – 4pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Youth Group 3.30pm – 8pm FREE DRC Project – 0141-951-8669
Dancezone 4.30pm – 8pm
Integrational Cooking 5pm – 7pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Quilters 6.30pm – 8.30pm Closed Group
Physio Form Pilates 7pm – 9pm
Scotstoun Community Council Meeting 7.30pm – 9pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424

Eco Trust Health Walk 10am – 12pm
Twins Playgroup
(1st Friday of month) 10am – 12pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Hearties Lunch Club 12pm – 2pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Life Drawing 12pm – 2pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Music Group (Adults) 2pm – 4pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
Karate 430pm – 730pm
Boxercise 6pm – 7pm
Al Anon 7.30pm – 9pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424
AA 8pm – 9pm Contact Centre: 0141-433-0424

Eco Trust LED Cycle 10am – 1pm
Karate 10am – 1245pm
Cllr Eva Murray
(2nd Sat of Month) 10am – 11am Contact centre: 0141-433-0424
Cllr Bill Butler 11am – 12pm Contact centre: 0141-433-0424

Michael Sheridan


Michael moved into Scotstoun in 1980 and has been a member of the commiittee since that time. We have seen off two attempts to create hazardous waste incinerators in the area and had a lot of other fun. It is about time he was replaced as convener. Any suggestions ?






Newsletter Editor

The accounts have still to be added to this page . The basic details are :

Total incime year to 31st March 2022                       £ 1,312.00

Total expenditure year to 31st March 2022              £200.00

Surplus for year to 31st March 2022                             £1,112.00

Total Funds at 31st March 2022                                   £2,702.78